7 Ways Founders Can Increase Focus

Here's what to do when you notice you're spread too thin

Hey y’all — we all take on too much sometimes.

Recently I’ve found myself spread too thin.

I’ve taken on more but gotten less done.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

Whenever I notice this happening I walk through a 7-step checklist to make sure I’m protecting my time.

Here’s what’s on my list:

7 Ways Founders Can Increase Focus

Restrict Your Channels

Switching costs are the hidden killer of productivity.

So I only give people 1 way to reach me where they can expect a response:


You can call it old school (maybe you prefer SMS or WhatsApp) but, whatever channel you choose, make sure you pick one primary one.

And, critically, be strict about this. If someone asks you to chat through a different medium, it’s ok to push back on it.

You won't be as effective if you're going between 6 or 7 different inboxes every day.

One caveat — I talk to my team in Slack (and that’s where I end up spending most of my day), but for everyone else it’s email or bust.

(Actually) Have a Documentation System

Personally, this is a big weak point for me. I tend to operate in a state of constant chaos.

I just scribble in Apple Notes most of the time.

But I see that as a flaw.

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